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BCS Overland Park Kansas Reports on the Brookings Institute’s Study on Aging Businesses

BCS Leawood Kansas Reports on the Brookings Institute’s Study on Aging Businesses


According to a recent economic study by the Brookings Institute, larger companies are aging, while newer companies are living shorter lives, or are not starting up at all. The main cause of this is considered to be a decline in entrepreneurship in the U.S.

BCS in Leawood Kansas (near Overland Park) says that for the job seeker this means that paying attention to the longevity of the hiring company is as important as its offering. In other words, in addition to the compensation, the prospective employee must also consider the long term prospects of the firm.   BCS cautions that this does not mean that younger firms do not have a great deal to offer. On the contrary, the Leawood Kansas firm says that some of the best opportunities are found in smaller and mid-size companies.


While the Brookings study points out how aging firms (those that are 16 years or more) are gaining a larger share of the market, new companies are still emerging offering opportunities for executives and professionals.

See the full Brookings study here: http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/papers/2014/07/aging%20america%20increasing%20dominance%20older%20firms%20litan/other_aging_america_dominance_older_firms_hathaway_litan.pdf


BCS is a career services organization often cited for their views on jobs and the job related economy. BCS is in Leawood Kansas (near Overland Park Kansas) and has been providing career related search assistance to executives and professionals.   To learn more about BCS in Leawood visit their website at www.bcskansas.com.


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